Elisha Cuthbert Spotted in a T2 ACS Camaro
Elisha Cuthbert is no stranger to Montreal, Canada, she spent half of her teen years in a suburb of Montreal and the other half in various TV sets like the hit series 24 and Popular Mechanics. Today Elisha is starring in a new ABC sitcom entitled Happy Endings, on her visits to Montreal she requested to borrow our ACS Development Camaro to run around town. Many of you are familiar with the ACS Camaro, it has been used to develop the entire product line and launch its T2 and T3 body conversion components. It has been showcased at various Camaro shows such as the Camaro Fest in Arizona, traveled to the 2011 OCC and BBOMG gathering just to name a few. Next time you’re driving down the Decarie Highway make sure to take a double look inside the tinted windows of this yellow Camaro, Elisha may be waving you the legendary Camaro salute.