ACS Ready for Corvettes At Carlisle 2015 !
ACS Ready for Corvettes At Carlisle 2015
It is that time of year again folks. Time to dust off the sunglasses and thermos flasks and head out over to Carlisle, Pennsylvania for Corvettes at Carlisle. ACS will be there not just to soak up the sun and meet up with friends and associates, but to run our stall from which we will be offering onsite installation of our custom made, quality parts as a vendor.
Be sure to check out the Carlisle event site
We will endeavour to get out the camera and take some choice snaps of the event which should appear on our site when the post-festivity blues begin to set in and it’s back to business as usual! Tons of attractions from the sea of +5000 Corvettes to admire to special clinics, and even the GM team will be onsite explaining whats new with latest generation Corvette.
Be sure to stop by the ACS tent located at row IH booth space 74-76 in the Manufacturer’s vendor alley. We will be offering our installation services Friday to Sunday. Feel free to stop by and watch us install Splitters, Rockers, and other C7 components. we’ll gladly explain why and how we do our conversions.
Stay tuned for updates and photos after the show and wish us luck over the weekend. Here’s to meeting plenty of like-minded folk and spreading the ACS word!