A Brief History of the Camaro and how ACS can reshape the future of Your Car
A Brief History of the Camaro and how ACS can reshape the future of Your Car
The Chevrolet Camaro is much more than a car, it was born from passion and driven by technology. It's recognizable silhouette as evolved over the decades, yet it is always recognizable as a Camaro.
Figure 1 Silhouette illustration of Camaro Evolution (Car Pencil Etc)
This fine illustration is a perfect example, beautifully and simply showing how the Camaro has constantly reinvented itself as the paragon of sleek, modern and sporty engineering over its lifespan. Since the car's introduction, as the infographic aptly shows the Camaro has spawned no fewer than six generations, a great number of refreshed exteriors and a variety of engines configurations.
The origins of the very word ‘Camaro’ is full of intrigue. A glance through history unveils claims that the word is derived from the French word ‘camarade’, which translates to ‘friend’, ‘buddy’ or ‘comrade.’ The former General Manager of Chevrolet, Peter Estes is quoted as saying that the name was born of the desire to hint at the “camaraderie of good friends, as a personal car should be to its owner.”
The car that ACS have taken under their wing and pledged to personalize is the 2010 Camaro, which was very much designed to bring the verve and spirit of the ‘69 version into the future. Let’s look at them and we can see the influence for our own eyes.
How ACS Composite can reinvigorate your 5th Gen. Camaro!
Previously, we’ve seen how you can go about fulfilling your dream of recreating the notorious ‘Bumblebee’ of Transformers fame, but it was high time that a comprehensive overview of the Camaro in general and what can be done to enhance it.
As dedicated and vastly experienced aero-component specialists, ACS can offer an ever-evolving array of components suitable for the 5th gen Chevy Camaro range. As such a visit to the ACS website will bring you within touching distance of your dream car. The stunning range of RTM composite components can be combined to match your personality and the attitude which you’d like to give your car. All parts are custom made and fully prepped and primed, with quality, performance and style all recognized as vital cogs in the same wheel.
One of the products that ACS are proudest to offer is not even a tangible component, it is rather a fantastic tool that will be invaluable to preview the effect that the combination of components you have in mind will have on a 5th generation Camaro. It is, in essence the ultimate Camaro Building tool. The Configurator is simplicity in action and by adding each modification, one by one you will gain an insight into what it will look like. The simplest ‘try before you buy’ tool out and it’s FREE! You can even select your trim, and model! After you’ve completed the configuration you are free to save your final design and share it with friends, family and fellow car enthusiasts to get second, third and fourth opinions on whether your dream is bordering on madness or a stroke of genius!
What could an ACS modified Camaro look like…
Bonaparte was right and a picture really can say it better than any wordy concoction, so…erm…here’s a picture!
That's what your Camaro Could Look Like!
I think you’ll agree that sexy is an understatement. Front splitter, bigmouth conversion, side rockers, rear spoiler and insane hood conversion kit including hood ports are but a few of the beautiful mods that this little beauty has been subjected to.
you can see, although the high quality ACS parts are not cheap, this is a look that can be achieved for under $5,000, which considering the massive transformation is a great value. When it comes to adding components to your precious car, you need to be able to rest easy in the knowledge that what you’re investing in will a) last, b) look great and as an added bonus c) improve the car’s performance. With ACS’s holistic approach to design and engineering this sort of synergy is not only attainable, it is guaranteed. The fundamental roots of ACS’s success are derived from commitment to OEM production. Durability, Quality and Consistency are the tenets on which their reputation has been built. As ACS rapidly approach the 120,000 mark in terms of components built for OEM automotive customers, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’re in safe, trustworthy hands.
ACS-T4 Splitter 33-4-099
ACS-T4 Ports 33-4-097
ACS-TL1 Hood Insert 33-4-095
ACS-T3 Hood Ports 33-4-049
ACS Rear Quarter Ports 33-4-111
ACS Front Mudflaps with Rockers 33-4-131 & 33-4-027
ACS Winglets 33-4-125
ACS Rear Mudflaps 33-4-135
ACS Rear Bumper Extensions 33-4-137
ACS Rear Spoiler 33-4-155
A breath of fresh air
As you can see, by carefully integrating a series of well-chosen components you can seriously enhance a 5th gen Camaro, giving it a positively menacing front end and a sporty look that will be the envy of many a Chevy devotee the world over.
Restless spirits
When it comes to Camaro-enhancement ACS really do have the proverbial ants in their pants and will never rest until perfection is attained. Since this is not an eventuality that is easily achieved you should keep a vigilant eye out for the latest developments and new mods that will surely appear on the ACS website and blog. After all you never know when the next ACS Camaro will be introduced.