What is Carbon Flash Metallic Black? | Is it on my Corvette? | ACS Composite
Updated: November 2021 Added C8 Corvette Section
You would be surprised how many C7 & C8 Corvette owners are unaware of what Carbon Flash Metallic Black is. Owners are surprised to learn that Carbon Flash Metallic Black (CFZ) is found throughout their Corvette (albeit some exceptions exist that we’ll go into later).
These are special cars that deserve special attention and Chevrolet delivered on that attention to detail. Let's take a closer look at your Corvette and find out exactly where that beautiful paint finish lies...
What is Carbon Flash Metallic Black?
C7 Corvette:
Carbon Flash Metallic Black (Paint code WA501Q) is the black paint finish on your hood insert, grill, fender insert, spoiler (If you do not have the body color option), rear diffuser, and tail light bezel. Optional are the CFZ mirrors, ground effects, wheel caps and more. See the picture below, which each part painted in CFZ close up. Locate these areas on your Corvette. Note: Grand Sports come with upper quarter scoops painted in body color and a Satin (flat) black grill.
From far your eyes perceive a glossy black finish; However, upon close-up inspection of the paint, a constellation of silver metallic speckles come into view--giving it that flash.
C8 Corvette:
You can still find CFZ on the new generation of the Corvettes starting 2020, and for good reason: It's a beautiful accent color! The glossy black appearance from far highlights the contours of the C8 while up close the silver metallic flake reveals a complexity in its finish matching that of the new midengine Corvette.
However, carbon flash black is not as prevalent on the C8 as it was on the C7. So, where exactly is the carbon flash black on your C8? The simple answer is if it's black, then it's carbon flash black.
Assuming you did not select any body color trim options, then here is where you can find carbon flash black on your C8 Corvette:
- Your front grill,
- the side mirrors,
- the boomerangs on the side of the C8,
- the rear trunk surrounding the glass window
- the rear grill vents on either side,
- and your rear diffuser are also finished in this color.
- The Corvette lettering and Emblems are both in Carbon Flash Black.
Additionally, there are wheel options to get a carbon flash black wheel as well as the ground effects. This is why most of our C8 products are also finished in this color because it will tie all these accents together and create a cohesive appearance. You can browse all our C8 product here.
Here is a visual representation of all the Carbon Flash Black parts on your C8 Corvette!

If you are having a difficult time seeing the metallic sparkles (especially on areas of the diffuser where it can always be dark), then take a flashlight and shine it on the paint. You will finally be greeted with that cluster of speckled silver flake.
Shark Grey Metallic
As mentioned, there are some exceptions to the rule of carbon flash black and that is when you choose the option to have all the exterior vents changed to Shark Grey Metallic RPO code (EFX). Take a look at the result:
Why is Carbon Flash Metallic Black important?
Other than impressing your Corvette friends at your next car meet, knowing what is on your Corvette can help you better choose aftermarket parts for your car.
Speaking about choosing the best aftermarket parts for your Corvette check out these guides we created to help learn more about getting the right parts for your car:
C8 Corvette:
Choosing the Right Side Rockers
Choosing the Right Front Spliiter
C7 Corvette:
Customers often make the mistake of buying Carbon Fiber side skirts or front splitters for their Corvette when they would be better off with a CFZ component.
Carbon Fiber, while a great material, is a performance-oriented material. You are getting weight savings when you switch to this material versus plastic or fiberglass, but it will set you back several thousands of dollars when done right. However, because the Corvette is built with no visible carbon fiber it doesn't really make sense to go this route.
Call us new school, but we like the body color above the beltline while everything below in a carbon flash black. This ensures a consistent look from top to bottom creating one stunning Corvette.
The History Behind Carbon Flash Metallic Black
The beginning of carbon flash metallic back is unclear; however, what is clear is that it was first used on the 2012 Centennial Edition Corvette C6 generation. That particular Corvette was fully painted in the Carbon Flash Metallic Black paint! Known to painters as paint code, WA501Q, the silver metallic speckle on that Corvette POPPED!
Now, the special 70th Edition C8 Corvette will also be available in a Carbon Flash Black finish along with a new color: Pearl White Metallic!

Outside of carbon flash, you can see the influence of the ‘flash’ element on Chevrolet's palette. Several of the paint finishes on the C7 Corvette such as Sebring Orange, Black Rose, & Admiral Blue have that characteristic speckle in their tint coat. It is becoming signature of the Chevrolet performance line.
How to treat & take care of Carbon Flash Metallic Black
What should you use on your Carbon Flash Black accent pieces on your Corvette? We get this question a lot, and regular cleaning products perform just fine. We offer a Carbon Flash Black Wax, which can serve as a great tool for correcting the paint finish.
It can repair chipping or minor scratches on your Carbon Flash paint by filling those cracks and voids. We love it because most carnubas, if not wiped away properly, will dry and leave visible beige swirls. This wax is naturally black and blends in better with the accent colors.
With the release of the C8 Corvette, Carbon Flash Metallic Black is here to stay. You can count on ACS Composite to provide the best matching aftermarket components for your Corvette for many generations to come!
Video demonstration
Watch as Jonathan walks you around the C7 Corvette showing you where you can find the flash on the C7. Plus, a little trick to show you how to know if Carbon Flash Black is on your Corvette:
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